Term English LOVE A - Z
Translation Tagalog
Translation German
accompany {verb}
saliwán / samáhan
{verb} |
begleiten {Verb}
African {adj}
(Taga-Aprika) {adj}
Afrikaner {m} {Adj.}
aid {noun}
túlong {noun}
Hilfe / Unterstützung
{w} {Sub.} |
alone {adj}
nag-íisa {adj}
allein {Adj.}
ancestor {noun}
ninunò {noun}
Vorfahre {m} {Sub.}
ancestor [female] {noun}
(na babáe) {noun}
Vorfahrin {w} {Sub.}
argue {verb}
makipagtalo {verb}
streiten [(sich) s.] {Verb}
argument {noun}
pagtatálo {noun}
Streit {m} /
Auseinandersetzung {w}
Wortgefecht {n} {Sub.} |
Asian {adj}
Asyano / Asyana
Taga-Asya) {adj}
Asiate {m} / Asiatin
{w} {Adj.}
assist {verb}
tumúlong {verb}
helfen / unterstützen
aunt {noun}
tita / tiyá {noun}
Tante {w} {Sub.}
baby {noun}
sanggól {noun}
Baby {n} / Säugling {m}
bachelor {noun}
binatà {noun}
Junggeselle {m} {Sub.}
beggar {noun}
pulúbi {noun}
Bettler {m} {Sub.}
black [person] {noun}
itím na tao {noun}
Schwarze {m} {w} {Sub.}
breakup [relationship]
{noun} |
paghihiwalay {noun}
Abbruch / Bruch {m}
[Beziehung] {Sub.}
bring up {verb}
magpalaki {verb}
aufziehen / erziehen
brother {noun}
(na lalake) {noun}
Bruder {m} {Sub.}
brother-in-law {noun}
bayáw {noun}
Schwager {m} {Sub.}
brown [skin] {adj}
kulay-tsokolate /
kulay-kape {adj}
braun [Hautfarbe] {Adj.}
call {verb}
tawágin {verb}
laut rufen {Verb}
call {noun}
táwag {noun}
Ruf {m} / Bitte {w}
care {verb}
alagáan {verb}
behüten / sorgen für
/ pflegen {Verb}
care {noun}
alagá {noun}
Fürsorge / Pflege {w}
{Sub.} |
celebrate {verb}
magdíwan {verb}
feiern {Verb}
celebration {noun}
pagdiríwan / pistá
Feier {w} {Sub.}
child {noun}
batà / anák {noun}
Kind {n} {Sub.}
class [social c.] {noun}
kláse / uri {noun}
Schicht / soziale
Klasse [soziale Sch.]
{w} {Sub.}
companion {noun}
kasáma {noun}
Begleiter / Kamerad
{m} {Sub.}
cool [person] {adj}
cool {adj}
cool [Typ] {Adj.}
couple {noun}
dalawa {noun}
Paar {n} {Sub.}
cousin {noun}
pínsan {noun}
Cousin / Vetter {m} /
Cousine {w} {Sub.}
date [Am.] {verb}
magtakdâ ng
kaarawan {verb}
ausgehen / gehen
[mit jdm.] {Verb}
date [appointment]
{noun} |
L.ENGLISH] {noun} |
Verabredung {w} {Sub.}
daughter {noun}
anák na babáe {noun}
Tochter {w} {Sub.}
daughter-in-law {noun}
manugang na babae
Schwiegertochter {w}
diaper [Am] {noun}
lampín {noun}
Windel {w} {Sub.}
family {noun}
pamílya / mag-ának
{noun} |
Familie {w} {Sub.}
father {noun}
amá {noun}
Vater {m} {Sub.}
father-in-law {noun}
byénang laláki
{noun} |
Schwiegervater {m}
{Sub.} |
friend {noun}
kaibígan {noun}
Freund (-in) /
Bekannte {m} {w} {Sub.}
give away {verb}
mamigay {verb}
spenden / weggeben
go out {verb}
lalabas {verb}
ausgehen {Verb}
godfather {noun}
nínong {noun}
Patenonkel / Taufpate
{m} {Sub.}
godmother {noun}
nínang {noun}
Patentante / Taufpatin
{w} {Sub.}
grandchild {noun}
apó {noun}
Großkind {n} {Sub.}
granddaughter {noun}
apóng babae {noun}
Enkelin {w} {Sub.}
grandfather {noun}
lolo {noun}
Großvater {m} {Sub.}
grandmother {noun}
lola {noun}
Großmutter {w} {Sub.}
grandparents {pl}
nunò {pl} {noun}
Großeltern {Plur.} {Sub.}
grandson {noun}
apóng lalake {noun}
Enkel {m} {Sub.}
group {noun}
lípon / pangkát
Gruppe {w} {Sub.}
help {noun}
túlong {noun}
Hilfe {w} {Sub.}
helper {noun}
katúlong {noun}
Helfer {m} / -in {w} {Sub.}
hospitality {noun}
magiliw na /
mabuting pagtanggap
(sa panauhin/
sa mga bisita){noun} |
Gastfreundlichkeit /
Gastfreundschaft {w}
houseboy {noun}
utusáng laláki {noun}
Hausdiener {m} {Sub.}
husband {noun}
asáwa / asawang lalakí
[lalake] {noun}
Ehemann {m} {Sub.}
I miss you.
Miss kita.
Ich vermisse dich.
kid {noun}
batà {noun}
Kind {n} {Sub.}
know: get to k. sb. {verb}
makakuha na
malaman {verb}
kennen lernen
[jdn. k. l.] {Verb}
look after [sb.] {verb}
alagaan {verb}
aufpassen auf /
[auf jdn. a. / jdn. v.] {verb}
marriage {noun}
kasál {noun}
Ehe {w} {Sub.}
[pp: They got ....] {verb}
nagpakasál (sila)
heiraten [Sie ....] {Verb}
marry {verb}
mag-asawa {verb}
heiraten {Verb}
[sb. (by chance)]{verb} |
makatagpô /
magkita {verb}
treffen [jdn.] {Verb}
meet [each other
by appointment] {verb} |
magtagpô {verb}
treffen [sich t.] {Verb}
meeting {noun}
míting / púlong
Besprechung / Sitzung
{w} / Treffen {n} {Sub.}
member {noun}
kasapì / kaanib
Mitglied {n} {Sub.}
middle class {noun}
gitnang uri {noun}
Mittelschicht {w} {Sub.}
mother {noun}
nánay / iná {noun}
Mutter {w} {Sub.}
mother-in-law {noun}
byénang babáe {noun}
Schwiegermutter {w}
nappy [Brit] {noun}
lampín {noun}
Windel {w} {Sub.}
neighbor {noun}
kápitbahay {noun}
Nachbar {m} {Sub.}
neighbour [Brit] {noun}
kápitbahay {noun}
Nachbar {m} {Sub.}
nephew {noun}
pamangkíng lalake
{noun} |
Neffe {m} {Sub.}
niece {noun}
pamangkíng babae
{noun} |
Nichte {w} {Sub.}
old [people] {adj}
matandâ {adj}
alt / betagt {Adj.}
orphan {noun}
ulila {noun}
Waise {m} /
Waisenkind {n} {Sub.}
paleface {noun}
taong puti {noun}
Bleichgesicht {n} {Sub.}
parent {noun}
magulang {noun}
Elternteil {m} {Sub.}
parents {pl} {noun}
magulang {pl} {noun}
Eltern {Plur.} {Sub.}
{pl} {noun}
biyanán {pl} {noun}
Schwiegereltern {Plur.}
party {noun}
parti {noun}
Fest {n} / Fete / Party
{w} {Sub.}
people {pl} {noun}
tao {pl} {noun}
Leute {Plur.} {Sub.}
personal {adj}
pansarili {adj}
persönlich {Adj.}
poor {adj}
mahírap {adj}
arm {Adj.}
popular [person]
bantóg / kilalá
[anybody] {adj}
beliebt / populär {Adj.}
race [people] {noun}
lahì {noun}
Rasse {w} {Sub.}
raise {verb}
palakihín {verb}
aufziehen / großziehen
responsible {adj}
[sa balansa ng baraha]
verantwortlich /
retired / in
retirement {adj}
[sa p.] {noun}
pensioniert /
im Ruhestand {Adj.}
retirement {noun}
pagpapahingá {noun}
Pensionierung {w} {Sub.}
retirement [rest] {noun}
pananahimik {noun}
Ruhestand {m} {Sub.}
rich {adj}
mayáman {adj}
reich {Adj.}
servant {noun}
katúlong / alilà {noun}
Diener / Bedienstete
{m} {Sub.}
sister {noun}
kapatid na babáe
Schwester {w} {Sub.}
social {adj}
sosyal {adj}
sozial {Adj.}
society {noun}
sambayanán {noun}
Gesellschaft {w}
[als Ganzes] {Sub.}
society {noun}
samahán /
kapisánan {noun}
Verein / Vereinigung
/ Verband {m} {Sub.}
son {noun}
anák na laláki
Sohn {m} {Sub.}
son-in-law {noun}
manugang na
lalakí {noun}
Schwiegersohn {m}
stranger {noun}
dayuhan {noun}
Fremde {m} [der/die F.]
take [go with] {verb}
ipagsama {verb}
mitnehmen / bringen
[Personen] {Verb}
trick {noun}
dayà {noun}
Trick / Streich {m}
trouble [quarrel]
{sg} {noun}
basag-ulo {noun}
Ärger {m} / Probleme
/ Schwierigkeiten
{Plur.} {Sub.}
true [loyal] {adj}
tapát {adj}
echt [z.B. Freund] {Adj.}
turn {noun}
pihit {noun}
Reihe / Reihenfolge
{w} {Sub.}
twin {noun}
kambál {noun}
Zwilling {m} {Sub.}
uncle {noun}
tíyo {noun}
Onkel {m} {Sub.}
way of life {noun}
paraan ng pamumuhay
Lebensstil {m} {Sub.}
weird [bizarre (person)]
nakatátákot [L.ENGLISH]
bizarr [Person] {Adj.}
white [person] {noun}
puting tao {noun}
Weisse {m} {w} {Sub.}
wife {noun}
asawang babáe {noun}
Ehefrau {w} {Sub.}
Will you go out
with me?
Lalabas kaba
kasama ako?
Möchtest du mit mir
working class {noun}
uring manggagawa
[google translate] {noun}
Arbeiterklasse {w} {Sub.}
Society - relationships and privacy
Vocabulary Tagalog love relationships
Tagalog-dictionary category love
Basic Tagalog vocabulary, categorized
Tagalog vocabulary, category LOVE
Translate: "will you go out with me" in Tagalog,
Translate "sister-in-law" into German,
Tri-lingual dictionary - category society
Thematic vocabulary German-Tagalog-English,
Topical dictionary Tagalog - category society - love, relationships, privacy
Tagalog talk about love
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