Samstag, 9. Juni 2012

Vocabulary Category KNOW - Knowledge, Science, Research - English-Tagalog-German

Term English KNOW Science 
A - Z
Translation Tagalog
Translation German
analyse {verb}
suriin {verb}
analysieren /
untersuchen {Verb}
analysis {noun}
pagsusuri {noun}
Analyse {w} /
Untersuchung {Sub.}
award {noun}
gantinpalà gantinpala

pabuyà pabuya
Preis {m} / Stipendium
award / to make an
award {verb}
humatol {verb}
jdm einen Preis
verleihen {Verb}
experiment {noun}
pagsubok {noun}
Experiment {n} /
Versuch {Sub.}
method {noun}
paraan {noun}
Methode {w} /
Verfahren {Sub.}
paper {noun}
artíkuló artikulo {noun}
Paper / Referat {n} /
Abhandlung {Sub.}
root {noun}
pinagmulán pinagmulan 
 [cause, source] {nouna
Wurzel {w} {Sub.}
science [natural s.]
likas na aghán aghan
[Webster] {noun}
Naturwissenschaft {w}
science {noun}
aghán aghan / siyénsiya

siyensiya {noun}
Wissenschaft {w} {Sub.}
scientist [natural s.]
siyentipiko {noun}
{m} {Sub.}
standard {sg} [norm] {noun}
pamantayan {noun}
Anforderungen  {Plur.} 
/ Norm {Sing.} {Sub.}
standard [level] {noun}
modelo / ulirán uliran
Leistungsstand {m}
Niveau {n}  {Sub.}
system [methodology, 
how to ...] {noun}
paraán paraan /

systema {noun}
System {n} [Methode]
systematic {adj}
sistematiko {adj}
systematisch {Adj.}
talk [speech] {noun}
talumpatì {noun}
Vortrag {m} {Sub.}

vocabulary category KNOW for knowledge, science - translate in Tagalog - translate in German category KNOW - science - Wissenschaft - translate into German - translate into Tagalog - trilingual - English - German - Tagalog tri-lingual - English - Tagalog - German - vocabulary - translate standard into Tagalog translate Versuch in English translate artikulo in German aghan auf Deutsch übersetzen Wurzel auf Tagalog

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