Samstag, 7. Mai 2011

Vocabulary Category CREA - Nature, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Environment - English-Tagalog-German

Term EnglishÜbersetzung TagalogTranslation English
air {noun}hangin {noun}Luft {w} [frische ..., Atmosphäre] {Sub.}
air [up in the ...] {noun}himpapawíd {noun}Luft {w} [in der ...] {Sub.}
animal {noun}háyop {noun}Tier {n} {Sub.}
ant {noun}langgám {noun}Ameise {w} {Sub.}
area {noun}láwak {noun}Gebiet {n} / Gegend {w} {Sub.}
atmosphere {noun}atmósperá {noun}Atmosphäre {w} {Sub.}
bird {noun}ibon {noun}Vogel {m} {Sub.}
bite {verb}kagatín {verb}beißen {Verb}
blow {verb}hípan {verb}blasen / wehen {Verb}
bright {adj}maliwánag {adj}hell / leuchtend {Adj.}
burn {verb}mapasò {verb}brennen / verbrennen {Verb}
butterfly {noun}paruparó {noun}Schmetterling {m} {Sub.}
cat {noun}pusà {noun}Katze {w} {Sub.}
city  [Brit] {noun}lunsód {noun}Großstadt {w} {Sub.}
city  [Am] {noun}lunsód {noun}Großstadt / Stadt {w} {Sub.}
clear {adj}malinaw / maliwánag {adj}klar {Adj.}
cloud {noun} úlap {noun}Wolke {w} {Sub.}
coal / carbon {noun}úling / karbón {noun}Kohle {w} {Sub.} / Kohle(n)- {Präfix} 
cow {noun}báka {noun}Kuh {w} {Sub.}
damage {noun}sirà {noun}Schaden {m} / Zerstörung {w} {Sub.}
dark [night] {adj}madilím {adj}finster / dunkel {Adj.}
darkness {noun}karimlán {noun}Dunkelheit / Finsternis {w} {Sub.}
deep {adj}malálim {adj}tief {Adj.}
disaster {noun}sakuná {noun}Naturkatastrophe {w} / schreckliches Unglück {n} {Sub.}
dog {noun}áso {noun}Hund {m} {Sub.}
earth {noun}lupà / mundó {noun}Erde {w} {Sub.}
east {noun}silángan {noun}Osten {m} {Sub.}
eastern {adj}silangánan {adj}östlich {Adj.}
farm {noun}bùkid / kubukirán {noun}Bauernhof {m} {Sub.}
farmer {noun}magsasaká {noun}Bauer / Landwirt {m} {Sub.}
feather {noun}balahíbo {noun}Feder {w} {Sub.}
fire {noun}apóy / súnog {noun}Feuer {n} {Sub.}
flame {noun}níngas / apóy {noun}Flamme {w} {Sub.}
flower {noun}bulaklák {noun}Blume / Blüte {w} {Sub.}
fly {noun}lángaw {noun}Fliege {w} {Sub.}
fly {verb}lumipad {verb}fliegen {Verb}
fruit {noun}búngang-káhoy {noun}Frucht {w} {Sub.}
further (to the) west
karagdagang sa kanlúran {adv}weiter westlich {Adv.}
garden {noun}halamánan / hardín {noun}Garten {m} {Sub.}
gnat {noun}nikník {noun}Mücke  {w} [harmlos] {Sub.}
goat {noun}kambing {noun}Ziege {w} {Sub.}
grain {noun}bútil {noun}Getreide {n} {Sub.}
grass {noun}damó {noun}Gras {n} {Sub.}
harvest {noun}áni {noun}Ernte {w} {Sub.}
heat {noun}ínit {noun}Hitze {w} {Sub.}
hole {noun}bútas {noun}Loch {n} / Grube {w} {Sub.}
horse {noun}kabáyo {noun}Pferd {n} {Sub.}
ice {noun}yélo {noun}Eis {n} {Sub.}
insect {noun}maliít / na háyop {noun}Insekt {n} {Sub.}
iron {noun}bákal {noun}Eisen {n} {Sub.}
island {noun}pulò / isla {noun}Insel {w} {Sub.}
kid {noun}batang kambíng {noun}Geißlein / Zicklein {n} {Sub.}
lamb {noun}batang tupa / kordero {noun}Lamm {n} {Sub.}
land {noun}lupà {noun}Land {n} / Boden  {m} [Grundbesitz] {Sub.}
lead {noun}tinggâ {noun}Blei {n} {Sub.}
leaf {noun}dáhon {noun}Blatt {n} {Sub.}
leather {noun}kátad / balat ng hayop {noun}Leder {n} {Sub.}
man {noun}tao {noun}Mensch {m} {Sub.}
midge {noun}lamók [isang urì ng lamo] {noun}Mücke {w} [klein] {Sub.}
monkey {noun}unggóy {noun}Affe {m} {Sub.}
mosquito [gnat, genus Culex] {noun}lamók {noun}Mücke {w} / Moskito {m} [meist Plur.] {Sub.}
mountain {noun}bundók {noun}Berg {m} {Sub.}
nature {noun}kalikasán {noun}Natur {w} {Sub.}
noisy {adj}maingay {adj}lärmig / sehr laut {Adj.}
north {noun}hilagà {noun}Norden {m} {Sub.}
north {adj}hilagà {adj}nördlich {Adj.}
north {adv}hilagà {adv}nördlich {Adv.}
oil {noun}langís {noun}Öl {n} {Sub.}
paper {noun}papél {noun}Papier {n} {Sub.}
people {pl} [in general] {noun}taong-bayan / tao {pl} {noun}Menschen / (Leute) {Plur.} [generell] {Sub.}
pet {noun}alágang-hayop {noun}Haustier {n} {Sub.}
pig {noun}báboy {noun}Schwein {n} {Sub.}
plant {noun}taním {noun}Pflanze {w} {Sub.}
plough [Brit] {noun}araro {noun}Pflug {m} {Sub.}
plough [Brit] {verb}mag-araro {verb}pflügen {verb}
plow [Am] {noun}sudsod {noun}Pflug {m} {Sub.}
plow [Am] {verb}mag-araro {verb}pflügen {Verb}
power [source of energy] {noun}lakás {noun}Energie {w} [-quelle] {Sub.}
quality [material] {noun}klase / urì {noun}Qualität / Güte {w} {Sub.}
rain {noun}ulán {noun}Regen {m} {Sub.}
rain {verb}umulán {verb}regnen {verb}
rat {noun}dagâ {noun}Ratte {w} {Sub.}
rattan {noun}yantók {noun}Rattanpalme {w} {Sub.}
ride [horse] {verb}sumakáy {verb}reiten {Verb}
river {noun}ílog {noun}Fluss / Strom {m} {Sub.}
root {noun}ugát [of plants] {noun}Wurzel {w} {Sub.}
rough [sea, weather]
maalon {adj}rau / stürmisch {Adj.}
rust {noun}kalawang {noun}Rost {m} {Sub.}
rust {verb}kalawangin {verb}rosten {Verb}
sand {noun}buhángin {noun}Sand {m} {Sub.}
scale {noun}kaliskis {noun}Schuppe {w} {Sub.}
sea {noun}dagát {noun}Meer {n} / See {w} {Sub.}
seed {noun}binhî / butó {noun}Samen {m} {Sub.}
shallow [water] {adj}mabábaw {adj}seicht / flach {Adj.}
sheep {noun}túpa {noun}Schaf {n} {Sub.}
sky {noun}lángit {noun}Himmel {m} [Firmament] {Sub.}
small town [Am]
nayon {noun}Dorf {n} {Sub.}
smoke {noun}úsok {noun}Rauch {m} {Sub.}
snake {noun}áhas {noun}Schlange {w} {Sub.}
south {noun}timog {noun}Süden {m} {Sub.}
southern {adj}dakong timog {adj}südlich {Adj.}
star {noun}bituín / talà {noun}Stern {m} {Sub.}
steam {noun}singáw {noun}Dampf  {m} {Adj.}
steam [water vapor]
usok ng kumúkulóng tubig {noun}Wasserdampf {m}{Sub.}
sticky [damp, sultry]
maalinsangang {adj}schwül {Adj.}
sting {noun}kagát {noun}Stich {m} {Sub.}
stone {noun}bató {noun}Stein {m} {Sub.}
storm {noun}unos {noun}Sturm {m} {Sub.}
sun {noun}áraw {noun}Sonne {w} {Sub.}
tail {noun}buntót {noun}Schwanz {m} {Sub.}
thing {noun}bágay {noun}Ding {n} / Sache {w} {Sub.}
thunder {noun}kulog {noun}Donner {m} {Sub.}
tin {noun}láta {noun}Zinn {n} {Sub.}
town {noun}bayan {noun}Kleinstadt {w} / Dorf {n} {Sub.}
town [Brit] {noun}bayan {noun}Stadt {w} {Sub.}
tree {noun}púnong kahoy / punò {noun}Baum {m} {Sub.}
typhoon {noun}bagyó {noun}Taifun {m} {Sub.}
village {noun}nayon {noun}Dorf {n} {Sub.}
waste {noun}basúra {noun}Abfall {m} / -stoffe {Plur.} {Sub.}
water {verb}diligín / diligin {verb}wässern / gießen {verb}
weather {noun}panahón {noun}Wetter {n} {Sub.}
well {noun}balón {noun}Brunnen {m} {Sub.}
west {adj}kanlúrang {adj}West- {Präfix}
west {noun}kanlúran {noun}Westen {m} {Sub.}
west [to the ... of] {adv}kanlúran [sa ... ng] {adv}westlich von / westlich
[+ Gen.] {Adv.}
wind {noun}hángin {noun}Wind {m} {Sub.}
wing {noun}pakpák {noun}Flügel {m} {Sub.}
wood {noun}káhoy {noun}Holz {n} {Sub.}
woods  {pl} {noun}gubat {noun}Wald {m} {Sub.}
worm {noun}uód / buláti {noun}Wurm {m} {Sub.}

vocabulary category CREA - translate in Tagalog - translate in German
Kategorie CREA - auf Englisch / ins Englische übersetzen - auf Tagalog übersetzen - Dreisprachig Englisch - Deutsch - Tagalog
tri-lingual - English - Tagalog - German - vocabulary - translate
translate -disaster- into Tagalog
-harvest- auf Deutsch übersetzen

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