Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

Vocabulary Category FREE - Leisure - Entertainment - Sports - Games - English-Tagalog-German

Translation Tagalog
Translation German
act {noun}
gawâ {noun}
Akt {m} {Sub.}
album {noun}
album {noun}
Album {n} {Sub.}
amusement {verb}
líbangan / áliwan {verb}
Vergnügen {n} /
Vergnügung {w} {Verb}
anniversary {noun}
anibersaryo {noun}
Jubiläum {n} {Sub.}
audience {noun}
nakikinig / tagapakinig
Publikum {n} {Sub.}
ball {noun}
bóla / sayáwan {noun}
Ball {m} {Sub.}
basketball {verb}
basketbol {verb}
Basketball {m} {Verb}
birthday {noun}
kaarawan {noun}
Geburtstag {m} {Sub.}
card [greeting, post-]
poskard {noun}
Karte / Postkarte {w}
card [game] {noun}
baraha {noun}
Karte / Spielkarte
{w} {Sub.}
cheat {verb}
magdayà {verb}
mogeln / schummeln
Christmas {sg}  {noun}
paskó {noun}
Weihnachten {n}
[landsch., österr., schweiz.,
in Wunschformeln: 
 Plur.] {Sub.}
cinema [Brit.] {noun}
Sine {noun}
Kino {n} {Sub.}
club {noun}
klub {noun}
Klub / Verein {m}
collect {verb}
magtipon {verb}
sammeln {Verb}
competition [contest]
timpalak [L.ENGLISH]
Wettbewerb {m} {Sub.}
competition {noun}
paligsahan [L.ENGLISH]
Wettkampf {m} {Sub.}
deserve [worthy of sth.]
marapat {adj.}
verdienen [es wert sein
develop [photo] {verb}
[L.ENGLISH] {verb}
entwickeln [Foto]
doll {noun}
manikà {noun}
Puppe {w}{Sub.}
draw {verb}
gumuhit {verb}
zeichnen {Verb}
Easter {sg} {noun}
paskó ng pagkabuhay
Ostern {n} [landsch.,
österr., schweiz., in
Wunschformeln:  Plur.] {Sub.}
[promise to get married]
kasunduang (pakasal)
Verlobung {w} {Sub.}
event {noun}
pangyayári {noun}
Ereignis {n} /
Veranstaltung {w}
exercise [physical]
[L.ENGLISH] {noun}
Bewegung /
Gymnastik {w} {Sub.}
fair {adj}
malinis [walang-dayang
(disamb.: L.ENGLISH)]
fair / gerecht {Adj.}
festivity {noun}
pagdiríwang /
kasayáhan {noun}
Feierlichkeit {w} {Sub.}
film {noun}
película {noun}
Film {m} {Sub.}
film  [Brit.] {noun}
Sine {noun}
Film / Kinofilm {m}
finish {noun}
katapusan / wakas
Ziel {n} {Sub.}
fun {noun}
sisté / birò {noun}
Spaß  {m} {Sub.}
game {noun}
larô {noun}
Spiel {n} {Sub.}
gift {noun}
pasalubong {noun}
Geschenk {n} {Sub.}
hobby {noun}
libangan {noun}
Hobby {n} {Sub.}
interest {noun}
tubò {noun}
Interesse {n} {Sub.}
interested {adj}
interesado {adj}
interessiert {Adj.}
join [society, club] {verb}
umaníb {verb}
beitreten {Verb}
jump [sport] {verb}
tumalóng / lumuksó
springen {Verb}
kick {verb}
sipáin {verb}
treten / schießen /
kicken {Verb}
lead {noun}
abante {noun}
Führung {w} {Sub.}
leisure {noun}
sandaling malaya /
oras na walang
ginagawa {noun}
Freizeit {w} {Sub.}
lose [game, competition]
matalo {verb}
verlieren [Spiel etc.]
lucky [fortunate] {adj}
mapalad {adj}
glücklich [von Glück
begünstigt] {Adj.}
match [sports,
competition] {noun}
páligsahan sa larô
Spiel {n} / Wettkampf
{m} {Sub.}
motion picture {noun}
sine {noun}
Kinofilm {m} {Sub.}
New Year {noun}
Bagong Taón {noun}
Neujahr {n} {Sub.}
order [meal] {verb}
umorder ng pagkain
[L.ENGLISH] {verb}
bestellen [Essen]
photo / photograph
retrato {noun}
Foto {n} {Sub.}
play {noun}
larô {noun}
Spiel / Spielen {n}
[auch sportliche
Handlung] {Sub.}
play {verb}
maglarô / maglalarô
spielen {Verb}
play [theater] {noun}
dulà / palabás {noun}
Theaterstück /
Schauspiel {n} {Sub.}
pleasure [enjoyment]
kasiyahán  {noun}
Vergnügen {n} {Sub.}
popular [movie, song
etc.] {adj}
populár {adj}
bekannt / populär
practice {verb}
magsanay / magpraktis
üben / trainieren
practice [for skill]
praktis {noun}
Übung {w} {Sub.}
present [gift] {noun}
alaála / handóg {noun}
Geschenk {n} {Sub.}
prize [reward] {noun}
gantimpalà {noun}
Preis {m} [Prämie]
program {noun}
programa {noun}
Programm {n} {Sub.}
puzzle {noun}
paláisipan {noun}
Rätsel / Geduldspiel
{n} {Sub.}
puzzle [sb.] {verb}
tarantahin {verb}
verwirren / verblüffen
 [jdn. ...] {Verb}
quiz {noun}
pagsúbok / pagsusúlit
Quiz {n} {Sub.}
race [running contest]
takbuhan {noun}
Rennen {n} {Sub.}
record {noun}
rekord {noun}
Rekord {m} {Sub.}
restaurant {noun}
kárihan / restauránt
Restaurant {n} {Sub.}
rule {noun}
tuntunin {noun}
Regel / Spielregel {w}
scene {noun}
tánawin {noun}
Szene {w} {Sub.}
score {noun}
guhit / bilang {noun}
Spielstand {m} {Sub.}
seat [concert, cinema
etc.] {noun}
úpúan {noun}
Sitz / Platz {m} {Sub.}
service {noun}
paglilingkod / serbisyo
Bedienung {w} {Sub.}
show {noun}
palabás {noun}
Show / Vorstellung
{w} {Sub.}
society {noun}
lipúnan {noun}
Gesellschaft {w}
 [feine G.] {Sub.}
sport {noun}
larô {noun}
Sportart {w} {Sub.}
sports {pl} {noun}
isports / sports {noun}
Sport {m} [allgemein]
star {noun}
artista {noun}
Star {m} [Film- /
Fernseh-] {Sub.}
start {noun}
pasimula {noun}
Start {m} {Sub.}
swim {verb}
lumangóy {verb}
schwimmen {Verb}
swing {noun}
duyan {noun}
Schaukel {w} {Sub.}
television / TV {noun}
telebisyon {noun}
Fernsehen {n} {Sub.}
theatre {noun}
dúlaan / teatro {noun}
Theater {n} {Sub.}
ticket [access] {noun}
tiket {noun}
Eintrittskarte {w}
toy {noun}
larúan {noun}
Spielzeug {n} {Sub.}
train [in sport] {verb}
magpraktis {verb}
trainieren {Verb}
treasurer [of a club]
ingat-yáman {noun}
Kassenführer /
Kassenwart /
Schatzmeister {m}
turn [It's your ....] {noun}
Turno mo na!
Reihe {w} [Du bist dran
(/ an der Reihe).] {Sub.}
victory [sport, games]
tagumpáy {noun}
Sieg {m} 
 [Sport & Spiel] {Sub.}
watch  [sb./sth.] {verb}
panoórin {verb}
anschauen / schauen
[jdn./etw.] {verb}
watch  [intrans.] {verb}
manoód {verb}
schauen / zuschauen
[intrans.] {verb}
wedding {noun}
kasál {noun}
Hochzeit {w} {Sub.}
whip {noun}
pamalò {noun}
Peitsche {w} {Sub.}
whip {verb}
pamalò {verb}
[mit der Peitsche]  
win {verb}
manalo {verb}
gewinnen {verb}
winner {noun}
nanalo [here: sg]  {noun}
Gewinner / Sieger {m}

vocabulary category FREE - translate in Tagalog - translate in German

Kategorie FREE - translate into German - translate into Tagalog - trilingual - English - German - Tagalog

tri-lingual - English - Tagalog - German - vocabulary - translate

translate "event" into Tagalog
translate "game" in Tagalog

translate "anibersaryo" in German
translate "kasunduan" into German

gift or present in Tagalog

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