Montag, 2. Mai 2011

Vocabulary Category BASE - Basic Expressions A-Z

Here are a few assorted examples of basic things in life that can be found by clicking the first letter of the English word you like to translate:

Space, time, colors, shapes, measures, numbers, classification, affinity, cause, effect, connections, comparison, basic attributes.
A-Z English-Tg-De:   A  B  C  D E  F  G  H  IJK  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  VW  XYZ

A-Z Deutsch-Tg-En:  A  B  CD  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  PQ   R  S  T  U   V   W   XYZ
Kategorie BASE -BASIS- allgemeine Ausdrücke, Raum, Zeit, Farben, Formen, Mengenbegriffe, Zahlen, Zahlwörter, Maße, Gewichte

TIME (Example):

month {noun}
buwan {noun}
Monat {m} {Sub.}
January {noun}
Enero {noun}
Januar {m} {Sub.}
February {noun}
Pebrero {noun}
Februar {m} {Sub.}
March {noun}
Marso {noun}
März {m} {Sub.}
April {noun}
Abril {noun}
April {m} {Sub.}
May {noun}
Mayo {noun}
Mai {m} {Sub.}
June {noun}
Hunyo {noun}
Juni {m} {Sub.}
July {noun}
Hulyo {noun}
Juli {m} {Sub.}
August {noun}
Agosto {noun}
August {m} {Sub.}
September {noun}
Setyembre {noun}
September {m} {Sub.}
October {noun}
Oktubre {noun}
Oktober {m} {Sub.}
November {noun}
Nobyembre {noun}
November {m} {Sub.}
December {noun}
Disyembre {noun}
Dezember {m} {Sub.}
week {noun}
linggo {noun}
Woche {w} {Sub.}
Sunday {noun}
Linggo {noun}
Sonntag {m} {Sub.}
Monday {noun}
Lunes {noun}
Montag {m} {Sub.}
Tuesday {noun}
Martes {noun}
Dienstag {m} {Sub.}
Wednesday {noun}
Miyerkules {noun}
Mittwoch {m} {Sub.}
Thursday {noun}
Huwebes {noun}
Donnerstag {m} {Sub.}
Friday {noun}
Biyernes {noun}
Freitag {m} {Sub.}
Saturday {noun}
Sabado {noun}
Samstag {m} {Sub.}

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